Monday, February 23, 2009

Keeps getting worse

And I'm not talking about American Idol. I understand budget cuts. I expected a pay cut. I even expected to have more kids in my classes. I did not expect to have to teach without time to prepare. I did not expect to have nearly 1/4 of my colleagues taken away. I did not expect the administrators I trusted to do the right thing to, instead, sell us down the river. I did not expect to be asked to choose between my family and my professional integrity.

I am very frustrated. I know that times are bad. I know sacrifices have to be made. I also know what it takes to do my job. They have already taken away the stuff that made it easier. Now they are taking away the stuff that makes it possible. I wouldn't ask my friend the contractor to do pour concrete while it was snowing and have the building framed the next day. I wouldn't ask my friend the architect to draw plans freehand. I wouldn't ask my brother-in-law in the military to do his job without computers or communication technology. Unfortunately, we are being asked to do things that way as teachers. We cannot do our jobs well or even adequately without time to prepare. As it stands now, I won't even have time to Xerox busy work for the students , let alone teach a good lesson.

Thanks for reading. I'll try to do better next time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super Bowl Hangover (sort of...)

Not a hangover hangover. Just disappointed with the outcome. I was enjoying the game, win or lose, but for the winning catch to be by Santonio Holmes... It's too much. Certainly, he has a lot going for him: 1) He's a bozo; 2) He should have been flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct for his routine after the catch; 3) He's a drug dealer (not making this up); 4) He went to Ohio State; 5) He's a bozo; 6) He stunk all year (ask my sister who had Holmes on her fantasy team); 7) He absolutely did not deserve the MVP- should have been Ben (Should have been Warner or Fitzgerald, but that's another issue.); and 8) He's a bozo.

I've always liked the Steelers. My 2 favorite players as a kid were Franco Harris and Lynn Swann. (And Jack Ham, for some reason. No idea...) But Santonio !@#%^!&%?! Holmes? Grrr.....

Anyway, thanks to the Cardinals for an amazing run. I hope they sign Berry and Warner and some of those other guys. I'd love to get another shot.

Thanks for reading. I'll try to do better next time.