I'll be trying to post my more inflammatory statements through the blog so I piss off fewer people.
Have you noticed that Joe Arpaio does more ridiculous things as the federal government gets closer to nailing him for his racial profiling and incompetence at his job? Also, most of his campaign money comes from outside the state.
You would have to be completely lost in your own paranoid brand of unreality to believe - even for a minute - Rush Limbaugh's statements that the President of the United States actually hates the country he runs. Pretty stupid. I can respect people who disagree with the policies of the president or others on my side of the political divide, but as soon as you say actively stupid things, I can't respect you anymore. (To be clear: "I don't think the president is doing a very good job turning around the economy" is fine. I disagree, but I can understand. When you say "I wish this president would learn how to be an American," you have crossed the line into stupidity.)
Don't read the comments sections of any online posting. Most of the time the people who respond to online articles have been required to fail an IQ test before being allowed to post. Also, don't comment on news articles. Please.
I can't wait to stay on the North Rim.
I hope California is foggy when we get there.
I was worried about Katie's high school reunion, but it was fun. I didn't know those folks very well, but it was still great to reminisce over the shared experiences we did have together.
I love my job, but I wish the people I feel best about working with would stop leaving. Not only am I losing out on the chance to collaborate with some terrific educators, but I'm starting to get a complex! This time, I still have a couple teachers left to work with, but just by the skin of their teeth.
I'm not leaving the Catholic Church, but I'm not very happy with the state of affairs therein.
I'm really glad that I finally talked Katie into getting a Facebook account.
And speaking of Katie, I am the luckiest man on earth. Not only do I get to spend every day with a couple of terrific little boys, I also get to look at the best person I have ever known as I fall asleep every night. Her strength and beauty–in every aspect of her life–inspire me every day.
I wish I could have been at my baby cousin's wedding. As it turns out, she isn't a baby anymore. In fact she's a doctor, but I still wish I could have gone to her wedding.
I guess the Diamondbacks are going to trade Justin Upton. I have no idea why they would do that. And on the subject of the D-backs, where the heck is Daron Sutton?!
Thanks for reading. I'll try to do better next time.
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