Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I don't believe you. I've seen the evidence.

I guess it just boils down to feeling afraid. I don't wish ill on anyone, with the possible exception of the ringleader of all this nonsense. Hating people is not really who I am.

But I know they wish ill on me. I know because I've seen it.

I've seen the defenders of gun violence after Newtown and Las Vegas and Charleston and so many others with their NRA stickers and threats to anyone who would suggest a restriction to their desire to shoot people. I've seen the cars they used to kill a woman in Charlottesville who thought like I do, who dared to say racism is bad. I've seen the weaponization of the border in order to show how much we don't want brown people in the country. I've seen them tear children from their parents and lock them in cages. I have watched them chant their hatred at members of the press whose only crime is questioning a leader they won't question. (We know how that turns out.)

I am speaking out because I know that when his supporters come for me, there will be no one left to speak up for me. To his supporters, I say I don't hate you but I fear you, because I don't believe you when you say you don't hate me and wish me no harm. I've seen what you did to those who agree with me. I know you wouldn't stop supporting him if he murdered me in the street, because I believe you would do it for him.

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